Harvest HIlls Solar Project

Repsol Renewables is developing a large-scale solar project in the Towns of Genoa and Venice and expects to install up to 300 megawatts (MW) of solar in the area, which has the potential to power over 75,000 homes in New York State annually. The Harvest Hills Solar Project is working towards filing a New York State siting application, with a target commercial operation date of 2026.

The Harvest Hills Solar Project will provide benefits to Cayuga County and local communities through:

  • Providing additional tax revenues, which could total tens of millions of dollars over the life of the project, for road upgrades, schools, public safety, and other critically important infrastructure services to the Towns of Genoa and Venice, the Southern Cayuga Central School District, and Cayuga County
  • Creating up to 180 family-wage construction jobs directly and supporting other jobs by increasing business activity at local hotels and motels, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, equipment rentals, materials suppliers, and similar businesses
  • Paying more than $65 million to local landowners over the life of the project through annual lease payments, easement agreements, and good neighbor agreements, resulting in a consistent stream of revenue that can protect against fluctuating commodity prices and help maintain family farms
  • Establishing a Host Community Benefit Program through which $150,000 is paid into a fund annually over the first 10 years of the project’s operations ($1.5 million in total), to be distributed equally by the local utility to all residential utility customers in Genoa and Venice in the form of an annual utility bill credit
  • Implementing pollinator friendly vegetation in areas hosting panels, which will enhance soil health, ecological diversity, and hydrological cycles while providing critical pollinating services for nearby farms
  • Being an active participant in the Genoa and Venice communities by developing meaningful relationships that translate into long-term partnerships with local organizations, schools, and community members

Show your support for the Harvest Hills Solar Project by signing a support letter

Why Genoa and Venice?

Repsol Renewables has identified the area within the Towns of Genoa and Venice as suitable for solar development because of their proximity to the existing transmission system with available capacity, site suitability with existing land use, and minimal anticipated environmental impacts.

Harvest Hills Solar Project Area

Repsol Renewables expects to use approximately 1,500 to 2,000 acres to host project infrastructure.

Repsol Renewables is Committed to Siting the Harvest Hills Solar Project Responsibly and Safely

Below are the ways in which we will minimize potential environmental impacts of the project.


Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan that outlines plans for sediment and erosion controls to manage any stormwater discharged from the project site


Work with state and federal agencies and stakeholders to ensure that potential environmental impacts are fully considered, minimized, and mitigated


Conduct a noise impact assessment to develop mitigation recommendations to ensure that the project meets state-regulated applicable sound limits


Conduct a visual impact analysis to assure that potential visual impacts from the project are minimized through a variety of screening practices


Implement financial securities that will guarantee responsible decommissioning and restoration at the end of the project’s life

Energy Independence

Generate local clean energy that strengthens the grid through resource diversity

About Repsol Renewables

Repsol Renewables is wholly owned by Repsol, a global multi-energy company that leads the energy transition and has set itself the goal of being zero net emissions by 2050.

Our Experience

With a portfolio of over 20,000 MW of wind, solar, and storage projects under development across the United States, Repsol Renewables’ experienced team has a track record of successfully identifying, developing, and building renewable energy projects. Our project successes are built on a foundation of rigorous screening and site selection, collaborative engagement with landowners and host communities, and disciplined execution through development, construction and operations.

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